Monopoly versions
Monopoly versions

monopoly versions

The game was designed so that the advisors could also give the game to their clients or use it as a sales tool to introduce AXP funds. The intent was to reward advisors who sold a high volume of American Express Funds and to encourage other advisors to increase their sales of AXP funds. The game was distributed in the year 2000 by the American Express Funds Company to its captive network of financial advisors. Game description: Only 2000 games were ever produced, the minimum run allowed at the time by USAopoly. The dice are a standard black pips on white dice, and the houses and hotels are both wooden.

monopoly versions

Some boards came with two packs of currency, instead of the usual one. Monopoly figure, and had not been seen since 1935. The property, Chance and Community Chest cards are all reprints from the 1935 edition, and the latter two types feature artwork that was replaced after the development of the more familiar Uncle Pennybags/Mr. Property values are omitted from the board (they were not printed on the original) – a Banker's Rate Card is included with those values, as well as Mortgage values, and the required interest and repayment rates if a property is mortgaged. The Income Tax space is also Pay 10% or $300, instead of the later Pay 10% or $200. Many of the graphics are the same, though the icon for Community Chest had not been designed. Darrow" in the Jail corner, and the Parker Brothers signature in the Go corner. Game description: This is a reproduction of a 1935 Monopoly set (specifically the Deluxe Edition #9).

Monopoly versions